Horse Hair Collection and Ordering Instructions

  1. Recheck the length of tail or mane needed for your Keepsake.

    - Cut horse hair tail from the middle of tail as high as you can cut. Cutting here should not be noticeable.

    - Cut mane from the underside of the neck where the hair is the longest. Cutting here should not be noticeable.

  2. Wrap a band around the hair (there is no need to wash the hair as it is washed and conditioned upon receipt. Special shampoo and conditioner are used to strengthen and beautify the hair).

  3. Upon completion of items 1 and 2 above place the horse hair in a zip-lock bag.

  1. The following information is needed from you:

    (typed or handwritten) and should be placed along with the horse hair in a zip-loc bag.

    -name and address where your items are to be shipped

    -phone number (in case we have a question about your order)

    -choices(s) of Keepsakes(s), each with the following details:

    -charm and/or bead selections

    -exact wrist measurement for bracelets (1” will be added final bracelet length)

    -chosen necklace length

    -circumference for hat band

    An order form can be used to provide the information, and downloaded here.

  2. Contact me for mailing address and any questions you may have.

  3. Payment accepted by Venmo, Paypal, Zelle, and Cash App. Payment is not expected until you view a photo of the completed keepsake and it meets your expectations.